Thursday, September 28, 2017



With celebrities such as Halle Berry and Julia Roberts looking astonishingly beautiful well into their 40s and beyond, women of all ages are paying close attention to skin care and looking for ways to slow the signs of aging. Although certain elements such as sunscreen should always be part of a good skin care regimen, it's important to keep in mind that your skin care needs change as you get older.

Skin Care Needs Change With Age

Skin can start to show signs of sun damage in the 30s. Normally this is also the age that fine lines begin to make their appearance. Collagen production slows and the skin becomes thinner, and it may begin to show areas of redness or dullness. This is a great time to start using products to repair collagen. Moisturizing with products containing vitamin C and vitamin A derivatives such as retinol can work to reduce fine lines, prevent future wrinkles and improve skin tone.

It's possible that the results of those trips to the beach in your 20s might show up on your face in your

In the 50s, menopause brings hormonal shifts that lead to more collagen loss, drier skin and deeper lines and wrinkles. Many turn to cosmetic procedures such as collegen injections to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, but there are natural strategies available to combat the signs of aging at any age.

Targeted Treatment At Any Age

Stages of Beauty is an innovative anti-aging skincare system that focuses on meeting all the changing needs of a woman's skin throughout her life. The Stages of Beauty system is the only skincare system that changes as your skin gets thinner, drier or more susceptible to the sun to keep your skin looking and feeling radiant. Each stage of the system relies on a powerful blend of natural antioxidants, peptides and other ingredients shown in studies to hydrate the skin, stimulate the production of collagen, and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Monk's pepper berry extract works to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Resveratrol protects from damage and imparts a radiant glow. Tetra peptide 17 stimulates the production of collagen and seaweed extract protects the skin from irritants. If you've found that your current skin care regimen is not providing the benefits you need as your skin ages, give Stages of Beauty a try and see the difference for yourself. The company is offering a 14-day free trial, so there is no risk to you.
40s in the form of age spots and loss of moisture. It's important to use a moisturizer rich in antioxidants to increase collagen production and to continue using sunscreen to prevent further damage.
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So you decide today is the day that you want to get fit, healthy and strong, then you get a flashback of the last time you decided to get fit the memory brings you back that feeling you had a couple of days after your heroic effort in the gym. The stiffness, the unable to lift your arms over your head, the dreaded stairs! I know your pain all too well.

First let me help you understand what your feeling after that killer workout. By going to the gym and lifting any weight, doing lunges or whatever exercise you do you are creating microscopic tears in your muscles this is referred to as microtrauma. The microtrauma is a result of repeated muscle contractions. Don’t fret when you rest your body gets to work repairing the muscles like the terminator “they’ll be back” and to boot they will come back stronger.

Here is a two headed attack to help you with the muscle repair and to battle that soreness two days later ( it’s often referred to as DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness ). First lets cover the post workout routine that will help you minimize those micro tears in your muscles. Consuming protein after your workout will help minimize the damage, as well it will prevent your body from using muscle tissue as an energy source ( you don’t want to burn muscle when you work out, you want to burn fat ) Protein can be consumed in many forms, from drinking a shake or milk, to eating a protein bar or having some chicken for dinner. All those are good sources of protein and your muscles will be thanking you for it!

Now let’s look at how to reduce that delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). The main cause of DOMS is inflammation in your muscles. Turmeric is a natural plant that has amazing healing properties for inflammation, among its many other uses. Curcumin is a bright yellow chemical produced by some plants ( one of those being Turmeric ) and that chemical is what helps with the inflammation the best way to get turmeric is to in a capsule, you can also buy it as a spice from your local grocery store and incorporate into your cooking.

So the next time you hit the gym remember that recovery is an important part of getting fit. Use the two headed approach above and you can keep pumping iron without having to dread walking up those stairs or any stiffness and soreness.
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Turmeric has long been used for medicinal purposes and has a pretty outstanding reputation when it comes to the abundant health benefits this golden spice should offer; given its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Research now suggests that it may also could prevent and manage Type 2 Diabetes as well.Approximately 380 million people worldwide suffer from Diabetes; with an overwhelming 187 million unaware they have the disease and the numbers continue to grow. Diabetes is a condition caused by disruptions to the body’s blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels play a significant role in how the body metabolizes food and how it uses energy. Diabetes occurs when the body does not properly produce or use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

One study conducted in 2013 suggests that a powerful component contained in Turmeric called curcumin, could decrease the level of glucose in blood, in addition to many other diabetes-related complications. Further research notes that turmeric extract may also aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels; making diabetes manageable for those living with the condition.
Another study published in the American Diabetic Association’s own journal back in 2012, found that consuming 6 capsules containing 250 mg of curcumin daily for 9 months, was unbelievably 100% effective at preventing the development of type 2 diabetes in pre-diabetics!
That’s a pretty amazing finding if you ask me!

It certainly can’t do any harm to further investigate the use of Turmeric as an alternative treatment for those with Diabetes. Do remember; never alter or change your current treatment or management plan without first consulting your doctor for their medical opinion and advice as this option may not be suitable for everyone.

Speak to your health care provider today about the benefits of using Turmeric for your diabetes condition.
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When you think about it, your heels take a lot of abuse. They carry your weight all day, every day. In order to protect them, you need to keep them clean, moisturize them, and ensure that they do not crack — as this can become very painful. Whether you want to improve the look of your heels for cosmetic reasons or to improve dry, painful skin, try these natural remedies.

    What Causes Cracked Heels?

Although it takes a fair bit of abuse, the skin on your heels is fairly sensitive. When they become too dry, this can lead to painful cracking and splitting. Not only can this make walking painful, but you also increase your risk of infection. More often than not, cracked heels occur due to dry skin.

Insufficient moisture can result from a range of causes, including cold weather, dehydration, having diabetes, scrubbing your feet, and the use of harsh soaps. Once the skin loses moisture, it will dry out, causing potential cracking. Once the skin cracks, it can bleed, allowing bacteria and viruses to enter.

The two main risk factors for feet problems include obesity and diabetes. When you’re obese, your body weight will not be evenly distributed on your heel pad, leading to uneven pressure and cracking. For diabetics, they tend to experience damaged nerves in their feet due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels.

If you can relate to this common, yet highly uncomfortable issue — start caring for your heels today!
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Over the past few decades, lemons have been deemed a type of superfood, helping to fend off disease and illness. Although sucking on a lemon isn’t the most enjoyable experience for your taste buds, this citrus fruit is packed with beneficial compounds, including potent antioxidants.

There has been some remarkable research conducted recently, showing the effects of high-dose intravenous vitamin C among cancer patients. Without getting too in-depth, it was found that cancer cells mistaken vitamin C for glucose — meaning, instead of allowing them to grow and thrive, they’re killed.

Of course, we know that lemons are packed with vitamin C — offering nearly your daily recommended amount in just one lemon, but their benefits stretch far beyond their nutritional value. Although we’ll touch on some unique ways to ingest lemon, there are also plenty of other unexpected uses for this fresh and vibrant fruit.

Try These 15 Unexpected Uses of Lemon

As mentioned, the nourishing and healing effects of lemon are based on nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin B6, zinc, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin E, fiber, and a variety of other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Although perfect for a vinaigrette or a fresh batch of lemonade, this fruit can also be used for the following:

    Lighten Skin Spots

From aging spots to scars, lemon juice has been shown to permanently lighten skin. Over time, prolonged exposure to the sun produces various skin spots and although there are cosmetic alternatives, lemons are cheaper and all-natural. Just remember, when treating your skin spots, stay out of the sun — lemon juice increases skin’s sensitivity to UV rays.
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Monday, June 26, 2017



 There are several diets aimed to help you lose weight in one week, and many of them could turn out to be quite an expensive weight loss regime, but in my opinion, there is one main diet if you are seriously looking to lose weight in one week: the Cabbage Soup Diet.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is a popular diet aimed at getting you to lose weight in one week as it is a low-fat and high-fiber diet and would therefore not be suitable if you are looking to lose weight over a long period of time.
The good thing about the Cabbage Soup Diet is that it is proven to actually help you lose weight in one week and in addition, it will give you a good start for a long term diet; the downside is that most people feel the soup is quite tasteless and there have been reports of people feeling quite weak at some points during this diet. However, most of them have found it well worth it as it will last only for a week.
To lose weight in one week is a good motivation to start off, and it is also possible to keep the weight off with a well planned diet plan. Unlike with a normal diet which you might find difficult to be motivated by since it will take a long time to lose one pound, a diet like the Cabbage Soup diet will be excellent as you will see immediate results.
Following the Cabbage Soup diet with the aim to lose weight in one week requires commitment if you want to see results. It is important that you drink enough water everyday-at least four glasses and you could also make use of a good multivitamin tablet to help keep you healthy. You need to make sure not to starve yourself at any point during the seven day diet; if you feel hungry, don’t keep yourself from eating soup, you could eat as much soup as you like to keep that feeling at bay. Perhaps you could even add different spices and seasoning to your Cabbage soup each day, to make it varied and interesting.
There are several other tips in order to lose weight in one week, without the help of a diet. Some of these include taking a quick 30 minute walk each day, drinking a lot of water, making sure to have a healthy breakfast followed by balanced meals at lunch and dinner and not missing any meals.
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 Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body in great health. With healthy eating,
Below, you’ll find tips designed to help you with healthy eating.

you’ll have energy all day, get the vitamins and minerals you need, stay strong for activities you enjoy, and maintain a healthy weight.
1. Don’t skip any meals
Eating 3 meals with snacks in between is the ideal way to maintain both energy and a healthy weight. When you skip meals and get hungry, you’re more than likely to choose foods that aren’t very good for you.
If you are eating away from home, take food with you or know where you can buy healthy food from.

2. Learn about how to prepare foods
Instead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying, microwaving, baking, and even boiling. You should also try fresh or even dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your food. Before you eat any type of meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off of it.

3. Avoid a lot of sugar
Drinks that contain sugar are a major source of empty energy. What this means, is that the drinks contain a lot of energy that your body may not need, and it doesn’t contain any vitamins or minerals. If you plan to drink sugary drinks, don’t go overboard – limit yourself to 1 a day.

4. Avoid thinking about diets
There are no good food nor any bad foods. All food can be a part of a healthy diet, when eaten in moderation. You don’t need to buy any low carb, fat free, or even diet foods, as these foods normally have lots of other added ingredients to replaces the carbohydrates or fat.
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Saturday, April 29, 2017



There are plenty of chemical hair dyes on the market that can cover up gray hair, but many people prefer natural solutions.
If your hair is turning prematurely gray or you have a few gray strands that you wish to cover up, natural remedies may offer some ability to turn back the clock and turn your hair back to its natural color.

There are many topical solutions you can make right at home to help hide the effects of graying hair, but this one old fashioned remedy.
Peel about five potatoes and gather one cup of peels. You won’t need the potatoes themselves so feel
free to use them for a meal or recipe. Pour two cups of cold water into a saucepan and add the potato peels. Bring it to a boil then lower the heat and simmer for five minutes.
Now take the saucepan off the stove and let it cool completely. Strain the liquid out and save the liquid.
Add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil to scent it and pour the cool mixture into a glass container with tight fitting lid. Use this as a hair rinse after shampooing your hair.
Shampoo as normal, rinse out the shampoo, then massage the potato peel water into the hair. Do not rinse it out. Dry and style your hair as normal.
So make it, try it and get rid of gray hair forever!
 source -

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Your muscles ache from a good stretch. This is quite normal and is part of the process. Stretching has seemingly been with us and particular with athletes since the beginning of time.

A very key point to good stretching is to hold the stretch for at least seventeen seconds. This is a pearl of wisdom gleaned from a ballet teacher a few years back. She said that any stretch under 17 seconds was just not effective.

The 17 second rule is exceeded in the high intensity Bikram'syoga where stretches are held for about 30 seconds. Don't forget the high level of heat that is used in Bikram's to extract that last little bit of stretch out of your muscles. An interesting twist that is
not necessary to gain benefits from stretching. But, it can'thurt, right?

So what kind of benefits can you expect from stretching? That's an easy one. Have you ever seen the movie, Blood Sport? Did you know that Frank Dux could truly stretch his body to the extreme. The actor that played him was quite elastic as well.

Great elasticity is also something you might see in well trained Spetsnaz(Russian)agents. They often work out with Russian kettlebells too. They are for superior strength gains and the ability to withstand ballistic shocks
Why are stretching and flexibility considered important to these people? Stretching gives one the ability to have explosive power available at one's fingertips without the need to warm up. Of course most of us are not martial artists or agents. But, you'll be happy to know there are plenty of other benefits.

Let me give you an example. After learning to sit in the full lotus position for long periods of time, my ankles became very flexible. One day I was walking along and my left foot fell into a pothole. This mishap pushed my ankle sideways to about 90 degrees from it's normal position.

Amazingly, this didn't even hurt, not one bit. If my ankle hadn't been so flexible, I may have suffered a sprained ankle. At the very least, it would have hurt for days.

Key point: stretching helps us to avoid injuries. Not only that but if you do have a muscle, tendon or ligament injury it should heal faster, theoretically speaking.

Stretching actually grows the ligaments, tendons and muscles being stretched. They really grow longer over time.

Check with your physician before undertaking any type of exercise, including stretching.

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Despite many advances in heart disease, it continues to be a large public health threat in the United States.

More than 70 million Americans have heart disease. One American dies from heart disease every 34 seconds. Nearly half of the population will suffer a heart attack or stroke in his or her lifetime. As the American population ages, the number of people with heart disease will likely increase.

But, there is good news in all of these numbers. The way doctors treat heart disease is starting to change. For example, we now know that heart disease most often occurs because of a number of risk factors. Doctors are starting to look at the cardiovascular system as a whole, in an effort to prevent heart disease, rather than treating one risk factor at a time.

And patients can play a big role, too. You have to ask the right questions, provide the correct
information and work with your health care professional to make sure that you understand what the information means to you personally.

Think of risk factors as pieces of a puzzle. When put together, the pieces can help show you your chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke in the future. Each person's risk factor puzzle fits together differently.

In addition to the factors related to family history and behavior, recent research suggests there may be other risk factors to consider, such as C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP, a protein made by the liver, is a marker of inflammation in the body. Though the role of CRP in heart disease is still unclear, recent data suggest levels of CRP may predict risk for heart attack. If you have several risk factors for heart disease, your doctor may recommend a test to check your CRP level.

It's important to keep track of your risk factors and know what they might mean for you. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chance of having a heart attack or stroke.

Take control of your own unique health puzzle. Ask your doctor what you can do to reduce your risk, making lifestyle changes and taking medication if needed-particularly if you have one or more risk factors. You may be able to prevent heart disease before it strikes.

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There is certainly nothing more flavorful and fulfilling than eating a decent bit of watermelon or sideburn as is normally known, this natural product not withstanding being super saturating has different medical advantages.

It’s also rich in nutrients and low in calories, so it’s optimal food for losing weight, or if you want to live healthy. Also, it’s full of minerals, vitamins and cell reinforcements.

Most people throw away its seeds, however they are also really good for your health and they can prevent and treat cancer, as well as many different
diseases and conditions. Also, they can treat hypertension, atherosclerosis and more. However, here’s something you should be careful of and not consume the watermelon if you notice it…
When you open it up and notice big holes inside it, you should throw it away immediately. This is a clear indicator that it’s not naturally produced and it’s synthetically created.

If you consume it, you may develop a tumor and have some neurological issues, which will be very hard to treat. So, now that you know about this, be careful next time when you buy a watermelon, and remember that your health comes first!
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Menopause can go one of two ways. It can be a miserable experience characterized by aggravating menopause symptoms. Or, it can be a pain-free transition that's barely noticeable. In fact, choosing the right menopause supplement can make all the difference. nutraOrigin, makers of high quality vitamins for women, shares the secrets of natural treatment for menopause.

Menopause symptoms: Common but avoidable

Every woman experiences her own unique set of menopausal symptoms, which can include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, heart palpitations, vaginal and urinary changes, and decreased memory and concentration. Most experts agree these symptoms are caused by low or fluctuating

estrogen levels, which throw everything off kilter. But that doesn't mean a difficult menopause is unavoidable.

Between 75-85% of American women going through "the change of life" report experiencing menopausal hot flashes. Yet only about 10% of Japanese women do. Why the discrepancy? It's all in the diet. Japanese women eat several servings of soy a day, which naturally contain anti-hot-flash substances called isoflavones. American women don't.

Natural Hot Flash Remedies and Menopause Treatments from nutraOrigin

MenoBalance Supplement

Isoflavones help you get control of hot flashes – but they also provide relief for a whole range of symptoms. How? These phyto-nutrients have the remarkable ability to imitate the biological activities of female hormones. That means that even if your own natural levels of estrogen are plummeting, isoflavones can trick your body into thinking it has enough.

Soy is well-known for its natural content of isoflavones, but most of the research studying isoflavones for menopause relief has been performed on red clover. nutraOrigin formulated MenoBalance with a high-potency blend of isoflavones from red clover and kudzu. The formula additionally protects cardiovascular health, with patented Actifolate folic acid and resveratrol; supports bone integrity, due to the synergistic activity of isoflavones and vitamin D; and provides protection to hormone-sensitive tissues, with rosemary and turmeric. Black Cohosh Essentials Supplement

Scientists have conducted numerous studies demonstrating the efficacy of black cohosh for relieving the discomforts of menopause, with minimal or no side effects. In fact, one double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found the herb was 47% more effective than conjugated estrogen at beating menopause hot flashes! Cohosh has also been shown to help alleviate headaches, heart palpitations, and nervousness and irritability associated with menopause. The evidence is so strong that the German Commission E (similar to our FDA) has approved black cohosh as a treatment for menopause.

nutraOrigin's Black Cohosh Essentials features 80 mg of standardized black cohosh – four times the amount seen in weaker extracts – for maximum effect. It also includes lemon balm and motherwort, which help reduce stress and anxiety.

Nutra Multi Iron-Free Multivitamin

Studies show older women are more likely to be deficient in key vitamins like B1, B2, B5, folic acid and D than younger women. That's why a multivitamin like nutraOrigin's Nutra Multi Iron-Free is so important. It delivers all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to create a foundation of health – including 500 mg of calcium – but leaves out the iron, since too much can be harmful to menopausal women.

The experts at nutraOrigin recommend taking all three formulas together for maximum synergistic effect.

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Manganese - Manganese is vital in the production of natural insulin and therefore important in the treatment of diabetes. It is found in citrus fruits, in the outer covering of nuts, grains and in the green leaves of edible plants.

The loss of magnesium in diabetic ketosis has been known for many years. About 37 percent of infants born to diabetic mothers have been found to be lacking in this mineral. It has also been found that children aged five to 18 years with well-controlled type-1 diabetes have lows serum magnesium values.

Magnesium - Magnesium also decreases the need for vitamin B6 and if it is increased in the diet, the amount of xanthurenic acid in the blood is reduced, even without vitamin B6 supplement. Moreover, magnesium is also necessary to active
enzymes containing vitamin B6. Blood magnesium being particularly low in diabetic, it may be reasonably inferred that diabetes can result from a combined deficiency of vitamin B6 and magnesium. It may therefore, be advisable for any person with diabetes or a family history of the disease to take the at least 500 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of B6 daily.

Magnesium is widely distributed in foods. It forms part of the chlorophyll in green leaves. Other good sources of this mineral are nuts, Soya bean, alfalfa, apple, fig, lemon, peach, almond, whole grains, brown rice, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

Chromium - According to Dr. Richard A. Anderson, at the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, whatever the blood sugar problem, chromium tends to normalize it. Dr. Anderson believes that increased prevalence of type-2 diabetes is partly due to a deficiency of chromium in the diet.< Chromium has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Columbia University scientists, in a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition established chromium's benefits for type-2 diabetes. They confirmed that chromium enhances insulin production in the body. Some other researchers have also confirmed that chromium helps stabilize blood sugar and increases energy.

Studies have also revealed that chromium supplements control total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raise the good or HDL cholesterol. In some patients with impaired glucose tolerance, especially children with protein malnutrition, glucose tolerance showed improvement after they were given chromium supplements.

The recommended daily allowance of chromium is 50 to 100 micrograms. Some foods rich in chromium, besides broccoli, are whole grain cereals, nuts, mushrooms, rhubarb, Bengal gram, kidney beans, Soya beans, black gram, betel leaves, bottle gourd, corn oil, brewer's yeast, pomegranate and pineapple.

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Pregnancy is defined as 'the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus'. Let us see some of the common symptoms of pregnancies among women.

Missing the period is the most common sign and indication of pregnancy. However a variety of other reasons such as stress, illness, and weight fluctuations etc also can cause the late or missed periods. Missing periods normally can also be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in which periods can occur months apart. Hence one has to observe rather examine the other symptoms to confirm the pregnancy.
Another important symptom of pregnancy is the change in the size and feel of the breast immediately after the conception. Breasts begin to enlarge to get ready for breast feeding and women claim that the breasts become sensitive and they experience a very sharp and twinkling sensation.
Another most common symptom of pregnancy is nausea and vomiting normally seen among women. This is also known as morning sickness. A feeling of sickness is also being experienced by most women from the fifth and sixth week of the pregnancy. The morning sickness can start as early as 2 weeks of pregnancy.. The degree of nausea and vomiting differs from person to person. Mostly this symptom may disappear after period of 3 to 4 months. Most of the pregnant woman experience tiredness and fatigue.

Frequent urination is also a common feature among pregnant women within 2-3 weeks after consumption due to the reduction in the size of the bladder . Drastic change in the taste and smell is also another factor resulting in craving for certain foods and start hating certain other types of food. All the above symptoms though normally confirm the pregnancy a clinical cal test is the ultimate proof.
One can confirm pregnancy by conducting the small home pregnancy test by detecting the level of HCG in the urine and if the result is positive one may need to make an appointment with family doctor to confirm the pregnancy and to start the follow up. Like the home pregnancy test the office urine test also confirms pregnancy by detecting the level of HCG in the urine.

Similarly a blood test can also be made that may give a positive or negative results normally conducted when there are apprehensions of miscarriage or unusual pregnancy. After a period 0f 4 to 6 weeks the obstetrician can confirm the pregnancy by a physical examination. The thickening of the vaginal tissues and softening uterus confirms the pregnancy.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding pregnancy. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen or taking any medication, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation

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You wake up one morning and you decided that you have had enough of being obese! You have a very personal reason: a choice for change and a healthier you.

Whether you're considering weight-loss surgery and want to understand what's ahead, adapting to a new lifestyle following the procedure, or looking for non-surgical weight-loss tips, all the information is here.

Opting for weight-loss surgery is not an easy choice. To decide whether it's right for you, consider the facts of the procedure and the post-operative road you'll need to travel.

The challenges of dieting, exercise and even medications can seem daunting when trying to keep weight off. As a result, many have turned to weight-loss surgery as the best long-term option. But
before making that difficult decision, questions need to be answered.

Which type of weight-loss surgery is right for you?
What's involved in the procedure?
Are there any risks associated with weight-loss surgery?
In normal digestion, food passes through the stomach and enters the small intestine, where most of the nutrients and calories are absorbed. It then passes into the large intestine (colon), and the remaining waste is eventually excreted.

Gastric bypass surgery makes the stomach smaller and allows food to bypass part of the small intestine. You will feel full more quickly than when your stomach was its original size, which reduces the amount of food you eat and thus the calories consumed. Bypassing part of the intestine also results in fewer calories being absorbed. This leads to weight loss.

The most common gastric bypass surgery is a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

In a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the stomach is made smaller by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach using surgical staples or a plastic band. The smaller stomach is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine (jejunum), bypassing the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine (duodenum).

This procedure can be done by making a large incision in the abdomen (an open procedure) or by making a small incision and using small instruments and a camera to guide the surgery (laparoscopic approach).

Male gender is a predictor of morbidity and age a predictor of mortality for patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Open gastric bypass surgery requires up to a 5-day stay. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery requires a hospital stay of 2-3 days.

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When we're in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its vitality and strength, your creativity and productivitywill be sapped as well.

What could be more frustrating than the interruption of your creative flow by an uninvited headache, back spasm, dullness of mind or the "shakes"?

I once heard the expression that as a guitar player, I'm a "small muscle athlete" – meaning I need to warm up those muscles and treat them well. Perhaps as artists we're ALL small muscle athletes. After
all, we do need a good measure of physical endurance to get through our creative tasks.

Whether it's sitting hunched over an easel, the repetitive movements of playing a musical instrument, the stamina to stand and walk on stage throughout an entire show or sitting at a computer keyboard for most of the day, our creative tools all require the use of the body.

To keep that body strong and resilient takes daily attention.

Day-to-day self-care practices such as getting enough sleep,eating three healthy and balanced meals that are evenly timed throughout the day (plus healthy snacks if you need them), moving your body actively and drinking enough water are all essential for taking care of your body.

Taking care of the body also affects the mind. Fatigue, malnutrition, inactivity and dehydration will all have adverse effects on the mind and the ability to problem solve, concentrate and connect ideas
The Creative Cycle and Self-Care

Touring with a band, rehearsing for a show or burning the midnight oil to finish a painting before a galleryopening, are all examples of extraordinary circumstances where we might relax our self-care discipline and adopt a whole new set of rules.

Then, when the show or tour is over or the piece is finished, we sometimes sink into an anti-climactic "low" or a period of transition before we get back into the creative flow again.

The daily practices you keep when things are "normal" will build resilience for the times when these extraordinary circumstances come up. They also build habits and healthy living skills that you can draw on when life gets more challenging.

Put it into play

One of the best practices for a healthy body, mind and spirit is to get enough sleep and rest. Tonight, end your evening activities a half hour early and spend that time winding down. Release the worries of the day by writing or speaking about them. Calm yourself with a bath, tea, massage, music or a good read that doesn't remind you of your work.

We can all come up with reasons why we can't exercise, we can't make different food choices and we can't focus more on our health.

You have a unique creative gift to share with the world, but your creativity relies on a sound mind and body.

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Pheromones work like magic. But why and how they work is explained by biochemical scientist.

Pheromones are natural biochemicals released by animals and insects that help to communicate sexual interest to members of the opposite sex. These biochemicals (pheromones) influence mating, fertility, and child rearing.

In humans, pheromones have been shown to affect women's menstrual cycle and a man's and/or woman's perceived attractiveness to the opposite sex. Pheromones are similar to hormones in our body that tell our cells and body what to do

How Are Pheromones Detected By Humans?

Scientists state that the organ responsible for detecting pheromones in mammals is the vomeronasal organ located in the nose. Synthesized human pheromones like androstenedione and estratetraenol,
applied to the skin, have been studied and shown to dramatically increase the frequency of socio-sexual behavior in participants using the pheromones as opposed to the placebo.

These findings about pheromones are exciting news to the average guy or girl. Just wearing pheromone cologne or pheromone perfume will make you more attractive to members of the opposite sex.

What types of results can I expect from wearing pheromones?

While using human pheromones you may become more sexually attractive, get approached more often, improve business relatio nships, meet more people anytime and increase your self confidence.

Just like magic you can attract the man or woman of your dreams by simply wearing pheromones.

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Saturday, April 22, 2017



Otitis media is an inflammation that occurs in the middle ear. Middle ear space contains fluid that could be easily infected and the infected middle ear is called otitis media with effusion. The cause of the chronic OME (otitis media with effusion) for most of the allergic rhinitis patients is mainly due to the IgE-mediated allergies. IgE-mediated allergy is the allergy that happens when IgE antibody (one type of the white blood cell) binds with the mast cell. IgE antibody is being produced by the plasma cell when foreign particular from outside of the body entering into the blood through nasal mucosal surface. 

Once the IgE antibody binds with the mast cell around the nose, histamine is secreted from this cell and it is the main chemical that causes itching and hypersensitive of the nose. According to the publication by a group of scentists, 50% of the children who had chronic OME also had nasal allergy [Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1988;458(suppl):41-7]. 

Effects of the seasonal allergic rhinitis to the Eustachian tubefunction and middle ear pressure had
been studied by a few groups of medical scientists. According to one of the studies, Eustachian tube of the pollen allergic patients become obstructed increases from 15% to 60% from the starting to the maximum of the pollen exposure. [Ann Allergy 1990;65:206-10]. In one of the studies, ragweed pollen , which is a seasonal pollen, was let it exposed to a group of people. What had been discovered is that it will cause immune reactions in the Eustachian tube and nose [Am J Rhinol 1988;2:155-61.].Apart from this study, the other study reported that house-dust mite, which was a perennial allergen, also caused Eustachian tube obstruction [ ArchOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;112:840-].

In the same study, they found out that 55% of the adults, who had nasal allergy, experienced the development of the Eustachian tube dysfunction when this group of adult was exposed to house-dust mite. In the following study, new thing that had been found out was Eustachian tube obstruction happened more frequently for the patients who had allergic rhinitis. [J. Allergy Clin Immunol 1987;79:27-31]. 

In allergen provocation studies, scientist found out that nasal obstruction usually occurred before the development of the Eustachian tube obstruction. In allergen provocation study, individuals who took part in this study were exposed to allergen to provoke their nasal allergy symptom. In this study, researchers also discovered that various of inflammatory mediators such as histamine have been detected in middle ear effusions of the children who had OME [Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1988;114:1131-3]. 

If Eustachian tube obstruction that was caused by perennial exposure to allergen such as house-dust mite was left it untreated for quite a sometime, it could form middle ear disease, especially, when priming phenomenon occurs in the Eustachian tube. Priming phenomenon happens when mucosa in the organ responds to lower doses of allergen with repeated exposure. Allergic rhinitis could have priming phenomenon too when the mucosa in the nasal passage responds to low amount of allergen that has been inhaled through the nostril. For the Eustachian tube obstruction that was caused by seasonal exposure to allergen such as ragweed pollen, its physiologic hyperresponsiveness could extend beyond the ragweed season.

Studies show that half of the newly occurrence otitis media are diagnosed immediately after patient had been infected by viral URTI (virus that causes flu and common cold). By using traditional standard culture techniques, it is quite rare that viruses could be isolated from the middle ear effusions in the patient with otitis media. However, with the newly developed PCR-based molecular analysis, viruses in the middle ear effusions could be detected and discovered that 53% of the middle ear effusions are positive for viruses [J Infect Dis 1995;172:1348-51]. 

An experimental, which was carried out by infecting real human with rhinovirus-39, had been carried out in Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh to study the effect of this virus to the middle ear pressure and Eustachian tube. Result of this experiment showed a substantial increase of Eustachian tube dysfunction and also abnormal middle ear in approximately 30% of the people who had been infected in this study. However, all these people who had been infected by this virus had less possibility to develop an otitis media disease. In another study, whereinfluenza A virus was intranasally inoculated to a group of peoples, 59% of the inoculated people experienced the development of middle ear under pressure and only 25% of these people developed otitis media [J Infect Dis 1995;172:1348-51]. 

In this study, one of the inoculated people developed middle ear under pressure followed by purulent otitis media. This patient middle ear effusion was taken for PCR analysis and it showed positive result for both influenza A and Streptococcus Pneumoniae. Streptococcus Pneumoniae is some kind of spherical, Gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic bacterium and it is a member of the genus Streptococcus. In this group of inoculated people, 80% of them who had infected by this virus experienced the development of Eustachian tube dysfunction and 80% of them had middle ear under pressure [Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1994;103:59-69]. 

With this group of infected people, five of them had developed OME on the 4th day after the viral exposure. One of the patients had dizziness and vertigo symptoms, which is mainly due to the inner ear malfunction. All these studies support the causes of otitis media by URTIs virus and causes of otitis media starting from the development of Eustachian tube obstruction and abnormal middle ear pressure. In the recent publication about the study of a group of children with acute otitis media, micro-organisms in the fluids of the middle ears of the children were isolated by the investigator of this study. They found out that 65% of the fluid samples that had been collected contained both bacteria and viruses. These results show that virus infection in the middle ear creates an environmental that is suitable for the breeding of bacteria. [N Engl J Med 1999;340:260-4
Based on the information that had been collected from a few recent publications of the studies of the relationships of the allergic rhinitis to the OME (otitis media with effusion), we could conclude that allergic rhinitis or common cold/flu will cause Eustachian tube obstruction and middle ear pressure. When the situation becomes uncontrollable, otitis media with effusion will develop and this may could permanent hearing impairment. Therefore, allergic rhinitis and common cold/flu should be treated immediately without any delay. This is because these common illnesses may become serious and develop to chronic sinusitis disease and otitis media with effusions, which is quite difficult to cure.
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Most women can and should exercise when pregnant. Unless your pregnancy is high risk or your doctor has ordered you to stay in bed, there is no reason in fact you can't exercise whilep pregnant.

Studies show that there are numerous benefits to exercising while pregnant. You can improve your energy levels, get your blood pumping to your legs and improve your circulation, and improve your chances for a speedy recovery.

Another reason to exercise? Moms who worked out while pregnant generally had shorter and easier labors.

So what kinds of exercises are good to do when pregnant?

Well let's start with those you should avoid. You should avoid embarking on any stringent exercise program you are unfamiliar with. Avoid running and other jarring activities unless you are a very
experienced runner. Even then you should consult with your physician.

Here are some generally good and safe exercises that are recommended during pregnancy:

Walking – This is the best overall exercise for pregnant mothers anywhere. It is low impact but still gets your heart rate up and your blood pumping. Walking is usually safe throughout the entire pregnancy.

Jogging – Jogging can be done safely if you are an experienced jogger. You should reduce your jogging regimen however the further along you are in your pregnancy. If you are not able to have a conversation when jogging, then you are working out too hard.

Swimming – This is the number one exercise and the safest exercise when it comes to pregnancy. Swimming alleviates the heaviness you feel from weight gain associated with pregnancy. It also provides you with optimal cardiovascular benefits and helps you feel light and refreshed. Yoga – Yoga can help you maintain your muscle tone and stretch out tight ligaments during pregnancy. Be sure you investigate a pre-natal yoga class if at all possible.

Weight Training – Weight training is a great way to maintain and build muscle during your pregnancy. Just keep in mind you should avoid heavy weights and weight bearing exercises that require you to lie on your back.

To be safe you should always consult with your doctor or physician before beginning any exercise program. Most pregnant women are fine to work out particularly if they've been active before.

If you are just starting a program be sure to take it easy initially. You should also commit to exercising regularly. Generally 30 minutes of exercise 4-7 days per week is recommended.

One last point… be sure to keep hydrated and avoid over-heating which can be dangerous for you and your baby. Avoid getting your heart rate much over 140 and stop any exercise if you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded.

Also don't forget the importance of warming up before any and all activity. You'll reduce the likelihood of injury. Warm up after activities will also help your heart rate return to normal.
Good luck and have fun!

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Osteoporosis is a condition which makes the bones weak and causing them to break easily. As the bones are fragile the slightest movement can break them, especially joints like the hip, spine and wrists. Increasing age makes you prone to this disease, men over fifty and post-menopausal women are the most common patients of osteoporosis. This breakage of bone occurs within a couple years of menopause due to reduction in estrogen levels. After years of erosion the bones give away causing pain, spinal deformity and fractures.

Some common factors

- Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men.
- Increasing age
- Hereditary
- Low estrogen and testosterone level in women and men respectively.
- Thin and frail body structure or suffering from anorexia nervosa
- Calcium and vitamin D deficiency
- Lack of exercise
- Smoking and drinking alcohol has adverse effects on the bone density.
- Use of certain medication or drugs

Remedies for Osteoporosis

Eat a healthy diet which includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Exercise regularly and cut down on alcohol and cigarettes. For good source of calcium have low-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, orange juice, green leafy vegetable like spinach, cereals and breads.

A twenty minute walk three to four times a week may help you tremendously. You can also go biking, swimming or join aerobic dancing classes to improve the bone condition. Engage in weight-bearing exercises as these help in strengthening the bones. If you have a swimming pool or a beach around your house, go walking in chest deep water for 30 minutes at least three days a week. This prevents stress on your bones hence there is less erosion.

A cup of milk has 100 international units of vitamin D. Four cups a day could be your daily dose of vitamin D. Studies have also shown that post-menopausal women can have supplements containing manganese (5 mg/day), copper (2.5 mg/day), and zinc (15 mg/day) in combination with a calcium supplement (1,000 mg/day). It is termed to be more effective than having the calcium supplement alone.

Consume less salt and avoid food products which have more than 300 milligrams of salt per serving. Stay away from carbonated beverages like cola and soft drinks. The phosphoric acid present in carbonated drinks contains phosphorus, which if had in excess, can cause elimination of calcium from the body.

Studies have shown that vitamin K is very useful in maintaining healthy bones. It is found in green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, lettuce and spinach. You can also consume vitamin K supplements.

If you want to increase calcium content include Parmesan cheese in your diet. To lessen fat intake and increase calcium, add powdered non-fat dry milk powder in soups, casseroles and other beverages. Some of the food products that promote healthy bones are avocado, black pepper, cabbage, cod liver oil, Dandelion, garlic, onions, Parsley, Pigweed and Horse tail. Eating pineapple also prevents bone fractures due to the presence of manganese in pineapple.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem, as this type of pain really has no boundaries and can last from hours to months. This is a very long time for someone to suffer this type of pain, as sometimes it can be very excruciating.

In terms of treatment, there are several. These include pills, andtherapy, and braces, and acupuncture. However, one method stands out as being effective in helping people with their back pain: massage

Massage therapy for back pain is a low risk, and non-invasive method of treatment. Not only will this method help in the pain aspect, it also aids in the release of natural chemicals the body produces known as Endorphins. This is great for people who suffer from acute pains.

Historically, the use of massage therapy was not readily accepted by conventional medicine as a treatment of back pain or any other pains for that matter. However, the medical society now accepts this method as a valid complementary treatment, recognising the many therapeutic benefits that it brings.

The aim of massage therapy is quite simple; it increases circulation and blood flow that the affected area with themuscles needs. This stimulates the rejuvenation of the tissues and muscles surrounding the affected area, promoting a relaxed and stress-less flow of blood. Many times people that have back problems; they are not quite sure why they have them. Some feel they have not had an injury to any muscles in the back area so they should not be suffering
The fact is that there are many reasons that the back can be hurting you. If there is an injury to the bonestructure in the back then the muscles surrounding the injury will then become very tense in order to protect the affected bone injury. This will only make the back tired and weak, once it is at that point it will pain the person with a great deal of trouble relieving the said pain.

Back pain can easily stop you from doing what comes natural for you such as sitting or walking. This will easily become a major problem if it happens when you are in need to work, and have no other means of income. It is also known that back problems are not the hardest thing for doctors to detect or diagnose. Hence your employers and insurance companies will not be too happy either at your reason of not being able to function well.

Out of all, clearly the worst would have to be lower chronic back pain. This is the area just above the tailbone and it can be an ongoing nightmare for some. In this situations, massage therapy can bring much relief. If you are able to ease the pain, you will find that just being able to do the little things in life is a cause for celebration!

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According to the Western health expert, one should consider three important elements in the struggle to lose weight.

Here is what you should know:

    Diet makes up 80-90% of the achievement;
    Workout can significantly boost the effects;
    The workout must include cardio, weights, and flexibility for optimal weight loss.

To remain in a good health and fit, you should consume a healthy diet, be physically active, and drink plenty of water. However, every culture has its own rules when it comes to health and weight loss.
But, every culture implements different rules. We give you the top 4 Japanese rules to protect your health.  According to the WHO, the Japanese have the longest lifespan in the world, so we find their methods and remedies a bit strange, but apparently, extremely effective.
While all Western cultures believe that weight gain and weight loss are primarily linked to calories,
the Japanese have a rather different attitude.
 hese are their secrets when it comes to health and weight loss:
Warmth is the most important
The food we consume is turned into energy. During the summer, fruits and vegetables cool the body and ease the adjustment of the body to the high temperatures.
On the other hand, the food we consume in the winter is higher in calories, as the body needs to warm up in the cold weather. Raw foods are beneficial, but you should also try to consume warmer foods more often.

Japanese believe that liquids negatively affect digestion, so they do not drink anything while eating.
Liquids cool the system and absorb its warmth. Also, water neutralizes the stomach acid, so the system will need to spend additional energy to digest foods. The best sources of liquids are soups, fruits, and vegetables.
If you eat like a sumo wrestler, you will look like one
Sumo wrestlers eat nothing for breakfast, and as soon as they get up, they start off with an intense training. Then, they eat a super rich lunch and take a nap afterward.
They have only two meals daily, but they are huge. Therefore, even though you exercise regularly, if you eat too much, you will gain weight. It is a fact that junk food and large meals are more powerful than exercising.
Therefore, your diet should be balanced, and you should also sleep well and be physically active.
Hot baths prolong life
Hot baths relax the body, reduce stress, and stimulate circulation. According to the Japanese, they also help digestion, prolong life, and improve skin complexion. Experts believe that the perfect temperature is 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit.

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This form of cancer affects the large intestine and is hard to detect until it’s too far gone to cure. It’s also very difficult to treat. Unfortunately, nearly half of all patients diagnosed with the disease will die from it.

Unfortunately, nearly half of all patients diagnosed with the disease will die from it.
This demonstrates just how important it is to try to prevent colorectal cancer (1).

How Jackfruit Kills Cancer
Jackfruit contains phytonutrients like lignans, saponins, and isoflavones, which have anticancer, antihypertensive, anti-ulcer, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties (2).

Lignans are tissue-selective phytoestrogens that have anti-estrogenic effects in reproductive tissues that can be beneficial in preventing the hormone-associated cancers of the breast, uterus, ovary, and
prostate. It may also help maintain bone density (3).

Isoflavones are also beneficial phytoestrogens that have been proven to reduce the risk of breast, endometrial, and prostate cancers (4,5).

Saponins, on the other hand, kill cancer cells by directly binding to cells as well as boosting white blood cell activity and preventing cell differentiation and proliferation (6,7).

Lastly, the cancer-preventing abilities of the fruit are due in part to dietary TF-binding lectins (8). The pulp has the ability to reduce the mutagenicity of carcinogens and combat the proliferation of cancer cells (9).

In addition, the fruit contains carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols that lower blood pressure, fight stomach ulcers, boost metabolism, support nerve function, and play a role in hormone synthesis. They also contain polysaccharides that boost immunity by interacting with white blood cells, including T cells, monocytes, macrophages, and polymorphonuclear lymphocytes (10).

Each part of the fruit and tree can be used: the flowers help stop bleeding in open wounds, prevent ringworm infestations, and heal cracks in dry feet while the root is used to treat skin diseases, asthma, and diarrhea. Additionally, the wood has a sedative and abortifacient effect.

How to Use Jackfruit
To enjoy this fruit, add it to curries, stir fry, or even homemade ice cream. The fruit can also be turned into a juice and the seeds can be dried and ground into a nutrient-dense flour (11).

If you’re feeling a little bold, try it as a pulled pork substitute. It’ll absorb the taste of barbecue sauce perfectly and the texture is wonderfully moist and tender.

Be warned : jackfruit has a very strong and sometimes unpleasant smell, but the flavor is nice and sweet. It’s kind of a cross between pineapple and mango, so don’t knock it ‘till you try it (12).

The flesh is also high in calcium, iron, and potassium while the seeds are a rich source of protein.
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Serious illnesses will affect your entire body if you do not treat your liver properly.The liver produces proteins with the help of vitamin K. These proteins are very important in blood clotting. Breaking down old or damaged blood cells is also one of the liver’s properties.

Without a doubt, this organ plays a major role in all of the metabolic processes in the body. The liver cells break down fats and produce energy in a fat metabolism.
It is also known that the liver is able to regenerate on its own. The liver is one of the most significant and powerful organs in our bodies. It is not difficult to treat it right and keep it healthy
If you haven’t been taking care of this organ, the possibilities of getting many diseases and illnesses
will be huge. The damage of the liver can lead to even worse problems.
The most common causes of liver damage are having an unhealthy diet, being overweight, excessive alcohol consumption and some medications.
Tamarind has long been a part of traditional healing techniques in Africa and Asia. Generally, it is important for the improvement of the cardiovascular system and soothing of the gastrointestinal distress. However, it offers a variety of additional health benefits,which makes it a truly amazing natural cure.
The tamarind fruit is able to fight against almost all liver problems. Besides being able to detoxify your body, it can also eliminate the fat in your liver.
Improving your digestion, protecting the liver, lowering the cholesterol, curing any problems with the bile and improving your overall health are also some of its health benefits.
Recipe for treating fatty liver disease and hepatitis

The first thing you need to do is to put two handfuls of peeled tamarind in a blender. Then, add one liter of water. You need to mix it well. The next step is to strain the mixture. You can consume this beverage during the day.
-Put 25 well-washed tamarind leaves in a pot with 1 liter of water, if you want to prepare a tamarind tea. You need to boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Leave it to cool down.
Even though we recommend drinking the tea unsweetened, you can add some honey or brown sugar if you want.
If you want to cure your problems with the liver and improve your health, drink this tea twice a day, one cup in the morning, and one cup in the evening.
Here is how you can use the tamarind – Health benefits of the tamarind:
1.Tamarind can help you to normalize the procession and reduce the constipation. Simply boil some tamarind fruit and eat a few tablespoons. You should quickly feel some relief.

2.This fruit can reduce the level of acidity in the body and enhance the functioning of bile in the liver.
3.Tamarind has been known as a possibility for the treatment of dysentery.
4.Malarial fever can be reduced by only drinking the tea from tamarind leaves.
5.The huge amount of vitamin C, found in tamarind, acts as a potent antioxidant. Vitamin C is important for maintaining the body functions more and preserving healthy gums.
6.By reducing the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL), the tamarind is capable of helping cardiovascular health.
7.The tamarind leaves can be used to fight intestinal infections in children.
8.Hepatitis can be reduced by simply eating tamarind.
9.Antioxidants in tamarinds include phenols and naringenin, which are considered to help in the fight against some cancers.
10.Important nutrients found in tamarind include thiamin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, fiber, calcium and niacin. Thehigh levels of these nutrients make the tamarind a real “super fruit.”
If you enjoyed and learned something new, please do not forget to share this article with your friends. In that way you are going to help your friends and free them from their liver problems.
This article is open source and free to re-blog or use if you give a direct link back to the original article URL. By making the information available to everyone, we are able to help someone in need. Have a nice day!
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It may sound unbelievable, but this cucumber diet may help you lose 7 kg. in only 14 days! Cucumber is a healthy vegetable that will prevent food cravings and overeating.
Here’s what you need for the amazing diet:

300 gr. of fresh fruit;
3 pieces of whole wheat bread or 2 boiled potatoes;
2 boiled potatoes;
150 gr. of tuna;
Tea and coffee with no sugar;
You can also eat fresh cucumber salad or drink cucumber shake as a snack. Feel free to have them every time you’re feeling hungry.

Here’s the diet plan for a day:

Breakfast: cucumber salad and 2 hardboiled eggs

Snack: 1 big apple, 1 peach (lower than 200 gr.) or 5 plums
Lunch: Whole wheat bread (toasted) and cucumber salad

Snack: Cucumber shake

Dinner: Fruit salad (300 gr.)

Cucumber salad recipe

Ingredients needed:

400 gr. of cucumber

200 ml. of sour milk or yogurt

Fresh onion



Peel the cucumber and chop it, then add salt and mix well. Now, add chopped onion and yogurt and your salad is ready.

Cucumber shake recipe

Ingredients needed:

1 apple

1 cucumber

A small piece of ginger

A handful of spinach

20 gr. of almonds and spinach


Put the apple, spinach and cucumber in a blender and mix well, then add ginger and mix again. Put the shake in a tall glass and decorate it with crushed almonds and walnuts. Drink the smoothie fresh – it contains essential vitamins and minerals which will keep you full and improve your overall health.

Note: exercise regularly while on the cucumber diet in order to accelerate the fat-burning process

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Toddlers with diabetes are suffering from Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes or diabetes juvenile. The number of children under the age of five being diagnosed with diabetes juvenile has almost doubled in the past five years. Caring for toddlers is a challenge under the best of circumstances, and toddlers with diabetes need even more special care and attention.


First, if you are wondering whether your toddler has diabetes in the first place, here are some signs to look for:

•often complains of feeling thirsty
•hungry more often
•suddenly loses weight
•urinates more than usual, diapers more wet than usual
•occasional fruity smelling breath

If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, discuss with your doctor the possibility you have a toddler with diabetes.

Special challenges

You or your caregiver will have to closely monitor your child's blood sugar throughout the day to be sure it stays within a safe range. Ideally this means 6-12 mmol just before meals.

Toddlers with diabetes also require daily insulin shots, which can be traumatic for you as well as your child! When administering both finger pricks for the blood sugar tests and the insulin shots, you should be as quick and calm as possible about the procedure. If your child is playing, go where he or she is rather than having them come to you. That helps establish the procedure as just a normal part of their day
Of course, your child will resist these procedures, and it can be hard for parents and caregivers to remember they are doing this for the child's health. It must be done, however, and you may have to learn to restrain the child gently. It also helps to give them a big hug and a kiss after it's finished to make sure they understand you still love them even though this hurt a bit.

Another problem is that toddlers with diabetes can't tell you when they are feeling the effects of low blood sugar, which is another reason for careful monitoring.
Toddlers in general can be picky eaters, and toddlers with diabetes are no different. The challenge here is in making sure that all your alternatives fit within a healthy and appropriate diabetic diet. Have as wide a selection of those foods available as possible so that when they do refuse certain foods, you can tempt them with an appropriate alternative.

Toddlers with diabetes should otherwise develop the same way, and at the same rate, as other children of their age. So as long as you take the necessary precautions to treat the diabetes, and your child seems normal in all other ways, there's no reason why he or she shouldn't be a perfectly healthy and happy child.

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Do you know where the idea of drinking eight glasses of waterper day came from? Neither does anyone else.Yet many nutritionists, weight-loss experts and general health gurus claim we must drink that much every day.

I certainly tried to do it. I would drink coffee in the morning, then maybe force down a glass of water. By the time I had sweet tea with lunch, I was not thirsty but would try to choke down two more glasses of water in the afternoon.

By the time I had a glass of wine and more tea for supper, I was full - and facing five more glasses of water! I just could not do it day in and day out.

I know many of you can, and I'm proud of you. But for the rest of us who wallow in guilt, there is good news.

Before I get to that, let me reinforce the necessity of good hydration. Drinking water in adequate
amounts is necessary for maintaining the organ systems. In a resting state, this is easy and can be done in many ways. But in times of vigorous physical activity or in high temperatures, consumption must be increased and maintained to keep the body's core temperature from risingdangerously and to prevent dehydration.

Yet research has shown recently that there is no supporting evidence to back the popular notion that eight glasses of water a day is essential to good health. Studies have been duplicated where normal adults of both genders were compared, showing no difference in hydration status. We are not walking around in a dehydrated state as some would have us believe.

We should drink water when thirsty. It's still the best indicator, and this signal is delivered from our brains when we have lost between 1 percent and 2 percent of our body's water. This amount is not dangerous.

Scientific studies also prove that there is no extra benefit to the skin by drinking more water. Nor is there supporting evidence that it significantly curbs appetite.

Nature intended for us to obtain much of our water from the food we eat. Fruits and vegetables are 80 percent to 90 percent water. Meat contains a fair amount, and even dry bread and cheese are about 35 percent water.

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soda do not necessarily contribute to dehydration. Caffeine does cause a loss of water, but only a fraction of what you are adding by drinking the beverage itself.

If you like to drink eight glass of water a day, that's fine. But don't feel guilty if you choose not to walk around with a bottle like everyone else. Instead, eat balanced meals and follow your thirst mechanism.

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If you believe yourself to be pregnant and are interested in using a test to determine the results factually, know that the tests sold over the counter that use urine to detect the pregnancy hormone are incredibly effective. Unlike in days gone by when the only reliable way to determine whether you are indeed pregnant was to visit your primary health care provider's office, these home tests allow you to determine whether or not you need to see a provider. Keep in mind that if you test positive for any type of home pregnancy test, you should be sure to immediately schedule an appointment with your primary health care provider. This is essential due to complications like an ectopic tubal pregnancies, where the egg lodges in the Fallopian tube and can cause a great deal of pain and medical issues if left untreated. A test will still determine that you are pregnant, although the pregnancy may not be normal or necessarily healthy.

There are two main types of pregnancy tests, those that use urine and those that use blood. Both tests
are designed to detect the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin. Commonly known as hCG, this hormone is produced when the placenta begins to develop once the embryo successfully attaches to the uterine lining. Although blood tests tend to have less false readings, the presence of this hCG hormone can easily be found in a urine based test. Generally, doctors will perform a blood test in order to determine whether or not you are pregnant. In addition to testing for the presence of hCG, a doctor may wish to run another panel to determine your overall health and levels of vitamins or nutrients. This will provide your physician with a base line for which to prescribe prenatal vitamins and medications that will ensure both mother and child are kept healthy
If you purchase a urine based pregnancy test, there are two main options available. The first option sees the woman urinating in a cup and then inserting a special stick into the cup for a given period of time. This test generally has more accurate results since the instructions are more likely to be followed. Usually, if you visit a clinic and they issues you a urine based test, this is the type of test that you will receive. However, the most popular method of pregnancy tests available over the counter are those that require the woman to hold a special stick in a stream of urine for a certain amount of time. These tests tend to be the most popular since there is less mess and clean up required in this method. There are even versions of this test that can detect the hCG pregnancy hormone almost immediately after the embryo has implanted in the uterine wall.

For those individuals who are far too anxious to receive the news than the necessary waiting period required for even the earliest versions of the urine tests, a blood test should be used. Blood tests can be administered up to seven days after a possible conception, so they are a favorite among couples that are experiencing infertility problems. Furthermore, a blood test can more accurately measure the level of hCG found in a woman's body so that potential problems or complications with the pregnancy can be immediately identified. However, keep in mind that you must visit a doctor's office in order to have a blood test to determine whether or not you are pregnant. This will often cause you to incur costs associated with the visit and the testing fees. If money is a concern, many women's clinics provide pregnancy testing for a minimal cost.

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